Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Happiness.. the undying quest of life.

Happiness is the unquenchable thirst and the insatiable hunger of  the entire human kind.

It is the undying quest of life, we are all searching for it , longing for it ... all the time. 

Happiness ... whatever it is ... Is Divine !!

When our life moves in the direction which we want , we feel happy. When we achieve our goals, we feel happy.

Our Political & Spiritual Leader, Mahatma Gandhi quite rightly said so ... “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” 

The Buddha's entire teaching revolves around the question of how to overcome human suffering and attain happiness

We all hear that Happiness is a state of mind rather than consequences of circumstances. This bliss is nothing but an elusive state of mind, which is here one moment and gone the next.

Since this Happiness is in the Mind,  it is quite possible that the the Real Source of happiness lies in the mind itself, not in external circumstances. Thus , it should be as simple as this ...If our mind is calm and peaceful,  we shall be happy, regardless of our external conditions.   So, should we train our minds to accept whatever happens to us, and thus become happy ? Had the mind been so naive, it would have been easier for sure. Well, surely there must be some other secret to happiness.

Happiness is within us , under wraps of mysterious coverings, which we cannot find, thus cannot remove. And these coverings are like ever growing creepers, if you remove one, other will grow. So, by the time you remove one , and catch hold of a glimpse of the so called Happiness, the other creeper will grow fast and cover it up all over again. And by the time you remove this one , the other one will grow.  And mind it, since this so called Happiness is within you, these creepers are also bound to be within us ...possibly in our minds.. or probably even ... sown and reaped by us or our minds.  I think this is The Catch. Well, could it be that simple ?

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